Support the Oregon News Herald

The Oregon NewsHerald provides free newspapers to all of it's Readers. The concept of free news and information for the public is very important to us. The Oregon News Herald takes it a step further and provides a QUALITY publication, printed on quality paper, in full process color, stapled for neatness and durability. We print the newspaper once a month and we pride ourselves in providing pertinent, local and interesting content that informs and entertains all month until the following issue replaces it. We rely 100% on advertising dollars to gather, print and distribute the Herald newspaper. Supporting our advertisers helps to support our cause and the Oregon News Herald thanks those advertisers for making it possible and our goal is to provide excellent service and exposure for supporting us. In this world of uncertainty and "Murphy's Law", we find that unforseen expences, unexpected costs and fluctuating revenues are a constaint drain on our ability to grow the mission of bringing you the news. It is a known and proven fact that printed newspapers are not a profitable or even, sometimes, a lasting medium in this age of social media, internet news, blogs and streaming media. We believe in having a printed publication that you can hold in your hands. You can fold it and highlight it with a pencil, or lay it down and come right back to it later. It's a tangible connection to the world around, informative, entertaining and convenient to use and peruse. A tenuous yet powerful window to look through.

The Oregon News Herald is looking for Donor Sponsorships from those who feel as we do about the importance of the printed newspaper and the mission to provide it to the public. All donors will be acknowledged on our new donor page, if you are a business we will add your graphic to our online advertisers page. We have 4 levels of donor sponsorships. Bronze is up to $20 donation. Silver is from $21 to $100. Gold is from $101 to $999 and a Platinum sponsorship is for donations over $1000. You will recieve a beautiful and framable Certificate of Sponsorship for Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum supporters. The Oregon News Herald thanks you in advance - Thank You for your support, we are dedicated to our readers and supporters.

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